Syllabus Design.

Role play. You are in a restaurant. Ask for the most suitable menu for you.
Exchanging goods and services
Asking for food and desserts.
Wh- questions, Yes/No questions. Imperatives. Greetings. How much…?

1)Look at a magazine  and find items of food. Write them down. Then, look at real food ( food boxes, packaging, etc) and try to identify the vocabulary.
      2)  Listen to a model conversation between two people discussing the menu in a restaurant. Afterwards, read it and practice the conversation.
3    3)Listen to other conversations in different restaurants all over the world. Match the conversation with the correct country/place.
4    4) Listen again to conversations and note intonation. Pay attention to greetings. Write complete questions and answers involving food and prices.
     5) Pair work information gap role pay. Student A plays the part of the waitress. Student B plays the part of the client. Make a note of the client`s needs and use aids to offer partner the suitable menu.
     6) Group work discussion. Look at the menu and decide the most delicious dish and dessert. 

         Antonella Pessano


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